Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms out there! I also wanted to send an extra special greeting to my own mom. If you’re lucky enough to have met her, then you already know that she’s an incredibly intelligent, strong, hard working, globe-trotting, and fun loving woman. She has one of the largest hearts that is willing to help and give everything she possibly can to others and is always putting herself last. Devoted to her children, she never missed a dance class, piano recital, play, or sporting event and never complained even when she had a mini-van full of her crazy kids and their friends. If you tell her you love something, she’ll go out and buy 20 of them for you. She’ll make your favorite meal for you every chance she gets. She’ll still instinctively grab your hand when crossing the street to protect you, even if you’re in your 30s.
Thank you for always being there and for your unconditional love, Mom! Hope you have the best day ever.